Do you need a challenge? If so try the following...
Play slender (free PC game)
Yell the alphabet backwards at the top of your voice
Have a nice conversation with yourself about cabbage
Ask yourself why you are not dancing naked around the living room
Have a solo game of BOGEYS! (You know, that game where you have to yell it loudest?)
Ask for a spade then dig a hole in the garden to hide in
List everything you own which needs batteries or is electronic
Play ‘keep the balloon up’ while texting
Drink’ drive
Pretend you are a western cowboy riding in the wind but only use these items: tissues 1 sheet of paper sunglasses and a sunhat
Watch the video’ s on you tube that come up after searching acanthocephalans FACT!!! Acanthocephalans is a REAL word!
Try to establish why you are sitting on your lazy behind, SHAKE SPEAR STYLE!
List every knock knock joke on some paper
1 man Mexican wave